Great Golf!
Tired of playing the same course(s)? Want some variety in your golf game. Come join the Cleveland Golfing Singles (open to ALL that love to play golf) as we play courses across Northeast Ohio.
We are blessed to have many wonderful golf courses in our areas in all directions. - this is just SOME of the courses we play.
The 2024 Schedule is ready to go! There are a few weeks that are if you have a suggestion - send it our way! You can check out the 2024 schedule here. We will start official play in May, but will add some ad-hoc weeks in April IF the weather cooperates. You can join us as much or as little as you like.
Great Times and Great Friends!
We are a social golf group, not a league. Membership is open to anyone who loves to play golf, but may not have a regular playing partner. Play as often as you like for one low membership fee of $30/year (and your greens fees, of course).
After golf, join us for the 19th hole at a local establishment or a member's home. Want to try before you buy? You can play as a guest once before you decide.
The members are a wide variety of ages and skills, with all welcome. Many members have built long lasting friendships over the years.
Interested in giving us a try?
Would you like to join other golfers who love to golf and play some of Northeast Ohio's best courses? New members of all ages and skill levels are welcome. Please visit the FAQ page to get answers to common questions.
For any questions or to join us at an upcoming event contact our officers (Mary, Nancy and Bill) at